Some countries have called for several years for international cooperation for competition in digital markets. Yet the declarations are political without concrete policy proposals on how to achieve cooperation. International cooperation is vital to ensure a common approach that minimizes compliance and enforcement costs at a time of an avalanche of investigations and legislations worldwide to tackle competition issues in the digital economy. The paper proposes three cost-effective solutions to inform decision-makers in the context of future discussions in Autumn 2022 related to enforcement and policy approaches to competition in digital markets.

By Christophe Carugati[1]



Some countries have called for several years for international cooperation for competition in digital markets. However, there are not yet concrete proposals to achieve it. The clock is ticking. Countries worldwide are investigating and enacting new competition rules against the same firms and the same practices globally. Yet, there are no concrete cooperation mechanisms that would lead to a common solution. Instruments are vital. Competition authorities and legislators are duplicating investigations and legislation, increasing compliance and enforcement costs with a risk of inconsistency — all the ingredients for ineffective and costly enforcement. International cooperation would minimize costs and ensure effective enforcement thanks to a common approach. But how to achieve it? Thi


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