Portugal: Antitrust regulator rejects Altice remedies for takeover of Media Capital

Altice has been informed by Portugal’s Competition Authority (AdC) that the remedies the French group proposed to gain approval for its acquisition of Media Capital have been rejected, Jornal de Negocios has learned. Altice officials are now evaluating the AdC’s decision before deciding what steps to take next.

Altice could propose new remedies or abandon the takeover from Spain’s Prisa. The acquisition already faced opposition from the communications regulator Anacom, and the media regulator ERC was split over whether to clear the deal. Furthermore, Altice’s main rivals have pledged to take legal action if the deal is approved.

Altice had proposed eight remedies at the end of of April to the competition regulator, designed to ensure it offers continued access to other TV providers to Media Capital’s content and channels. The AdC tested the proposals with the market before taking its decision.

Full Content: Nasdaq

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