Morrisons Asks UK To Relax Competition Rules

One of the big UK supermarkets has called on the government to relax competition law and other legislation to allow stores to work together to ensure food reaches the shelves.

David Potts, chief executive of Wm Morrison, said that some of the “legislation around competition works well in peacetime, but not so well in wartime.” He said that supermarkets working together would benefit customers during the pandemic and that “competition law can act as a handbrake.”

In the light of panic buying, Mr Potts said, “Food supply and confidence in food supply is one of the key stabilising elements of a public health crisis. We’re putting the assets of the company at the disposal of the country. Morrisons is facing squarely into the crisis and we will play our full part in feeding the nation during this important period.”

He said that the chain was already taking measures to reduce its range of produce, for example making brown or white bread rather than many varieties, to boost volumes and ensure that its shelves were stocked.

Full Content: BM Magazine

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