Mexico: Kansas City Southern answers COFECE’s preliminary report

Kansas City Southern announced today that yesterday the Mexican Economic Competition Commission published in the Mexican Official Gazette of the Federation an abstract of its preliminary report on effective competition in the market for interconnection services, trackage and switching rights used to provide railway freight public services in the rail freight industry in Mexico.

In the abstract of its Preliminary Report, the Commission concludes that conditions of effective competition are lacking in the market of trackage rights in the rail networks operated by Kansas City Southern de Mexico, Ferrocarril Mexicano, Ferrosur, and Ferrocarril and Terminal del Valle de México, an entity partially owned by KCSM.

KCSM disagreed with the Commission’s reasoning and preliminary conclusions, and will exercise its rights within the next 20 business days to file evidence and arguments to support its position, as provided in the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Statute. After the end of the aforementioned 20 business-day period, the Commission has an additional term of up to 110 business days to issue a final report in connection with effective competition conditions in the Relevant Market.

Full Content: Business Wire

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