
Mexican Regulator Finds Possible Collusion In Land Passenger Transportation Business

The Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE or Commission) notified several economic agents of a statement of probable responsibility as it found evidence of their probable participation in collusive agreements to fix prices and segment routes in the market of the service of land passenger transportation in the Central, Central-South, South-Southeast regions and the state of Tamaulipas.

The service of land transportation facilitates the connectivity of our country and positively impacts on the economic development of other productive activities, such as tourism. According to the study on competition in federal passenger transportation (Estudio de competencia en el autrotransporte federal de pasajeros) conducted by COFECE, this means transported 96% of passengers in the country.

From the notification of a statement of probable responsibility to 18 companies and 31 natural persons who are indicated in the file IO-003-2017 for their probable responsibility in the referred monopolistic conducts, these will be able to argue in their favor and offer evidence for their defense.

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