
In this issue:

While we always try to be topical, this issue is right on top of current events. We’ve assembled six papers that truly prove the adage, “the devil is in the details.” The first two, reacting to Tim Wu’s FTC appointment, highlights media; a topic we extensively explore in the upcoming CPI Journal spring issue. Next we take a look at the intersections of antitrust and two ground-breaking legislative acts: Interchange Fees in the Durbin Amendment and ACO’s in Obama Care. Moving overseas, we present two case studies from Greece, analyzing managing competition under serious economic and social stress.

An Open or Closed Internet?

Chris Meyers, Mar 29, 2011

The Importance of an Open Internet

Net neutrality is but one piece of the puzzle to ensuring an open internet. Christopher Meyers (Microsoft)

Amanda Reeves, Daniel Wall, Mar 30, 2011

The Pro-competitive Value of Closed Platforms & Walled Gardens: Some Thoughts In Response to Tim Wu

Antitrust law has dealt with the genuine competitive issues posed by closed systems adequately without any presumption or bias in favor of open systems. Daniel Wall & Amanda Reeves (Latham & Watkins)

The Devil in Legislative Details

David Evans, Robert Litan, Richard Schmalensee, Mar 30, 2011

The Regulation of Interchange Fees by the U.S. Federal Reserve Board: A Primer on Economic Principles

Our analysis has important implications for banking regulators and competition authorities around the world that are looking into interchange fees for debit and credit cards. David S. Evans (Univ. of Chicago, UCL), Robert E. Litan (Kaufmann Foundation), & Richard Schmalensee (MIT).

Gregory Pelnar, Mar 30, 2011

In Search of Antitrust Guidance and Safe Harbors for Accountable Care Organizations

While potential ACO members would like the antitrust authorities to provide guidance (and, in particular, safe harbors) for forming ACOs, it is not obvious how to craft such guidance. Gregory Pelnar (Compass Lexecon)

Antitrust Case Studies: The Greek Crisis

Lia Vitzilaiou, Mar 30, 2011

Crisis Cartels: For Better or For Worse?

Posing the question”whether a crisis cartel is for better or for worse”before considering it anathema, seems like a sign of progress. Lia Vitzilaiou (Lambadarious Law Offices)

George Zohios, Mar 30, 2011

Liberalization of Closed Professions: Opening Pandora’s Box

Time will tell whether Greece has made a step towards the desirable reform of professional services sector or the whole reform was just another œcollateral for the repayment of Greece’s loan. George Zohios (Alexiou & Kosmopoulos Law Firm)