
Major Mattress Companies Targeted In Antitrust Case

Maven, a home consumer goods company, filed an antitrust complaint with the United States District Court for the District of Utah on October 26 against eight mattress companies.

The Complaint alleges the defendants have engaged in anticompetitive acts, restrained trade, and conspired to monopolize the mattress market in violation of federal and state antitrust laws.  According to Wayne Mack, a lawyer from Duane Morris representing Maven in the lawsuit, “The Complaint contains detailed allegations of how the Defendants have attempted to eliminate competition from Maven by making misleading and false statements to the government and in the press. Maven has brought this case to protect consumers and competition in the mattress industry.”

“We’re filing this antitrust suit to restore a healthy level of competition that benefits both businesses and consumers. For many years, some of our largest competitors have been using exploitative business practices to undermine principles of free competition in order to exert undue and unfair influence over the mattress industry. This anticompetitive behavior is self-serving and counterproductive to our industry’s interests, as we are at our best when suppliers of all sizes and types are innovating to introduce new products and business practices into the market,” said Steve Douglas, VP of Operations and E-Commerce at Maven.

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