
In this issue:

In April, the Mexican CFC (Competition Commission) celebrated its first official competition day focusing on issues of guidance and transparency. In honor of that occasion, we are presenting our first bilingual issue. Three of these papers (in English) are from “foreign” experts. Professors Richard Schmalensee and David Evans, along with OFT Chairman John Fingleton, discuss market definition, market power, and guidance. Three additional papers are written (in Spanish) by key personnel from the CFC. President Pérez Motta highlights some of the challenges facing the CFC, Director General of Mergers Javier Nuñez Melgoza discusses the legal merger guidelines, and Commissioner Luis Alberto Ibarra Pardo comments on fines. An added paper by David Evans, Lightening Up on Market Definition, elaborates on certain remarks presented during the talks.

We’d like to extend our appreciation to Elisa Mariscal and Fernando Miño at the CFC for their invitation to publish this conference and their help in presentation. ¡Gracias!

Mexico: Recent Advances in Competition Regulation

Eduardo Perez-Motta, Jun 01, 2011

Los avances en la transparencia y la previsibilidad

President Perez Motta of the Mexican Federal Competition Commission highlights recent advances in transparency and predictability enacted by the Mexican Federal Competition Commission (Eduardo Perez Motta, CFC)

Richard Schmalensee, Jun 01, 2011

A Presentation on Market Definition

Market definition is the first step in the assessment of market power. Richard Schmalensee (MIT)

Javier Nunez Melgoza, Jun 01, 2011

Proyecto de gu­a para notificar concentraciones

Presenting Mexico’s new draft guidelines on procedural aspects of merger notification and review. Javier Nunez Melgoza (CFC)

David Evans, Jun 01, 2011

A Presentation on Assessment of Market Power and Dominance

There is no reliable substitute in practice for analyzing competitive constraints in antitrust and merger cases. David Evans (Global Economics Group)

Luis Alberto Ibarra, Jun 01, 2011

Criterios tecnicos para la imposicion de multas en materia de competencia economica

Draft Guidelines on Fine Setting. Luis Alberto Ibarra Pardo (CFC)

Jun 01, 2011

A Presentation on the Importance of a Competition Agency Providing Guidance: The U.K. Experience

At the OFT, we pursue our mission”to make markets work well for consumers”through a mixture of enforcement and business education. John Fingleton (OFT)

David Evans, Jun 01, 2011

Lightening Up on Market Definition

Is there a workable truce to the market definition war? David Evans (Global Economics Group)