
In this issue:

We’re starting the new year with a look at a topic that has been and looks to be with us for a long time, media and antitrust. Specifically, we’re looking at some of EC’s recent interactions with the big players—Google, Intel, et al., including DG Comp’s Wednesday approval of the Intel/McAfee merger. We also have a broader piece on competition policy in Russia—the most comprehensive piece we’ve published yet. From a very snowy New England, enjoy!

Recent EC Decisions on Big Media

Lorenzo Coppi, Jan 27, 2011

Google, IBM, SAP, and The Others: Is the European Commission Targeting Technology Firms?

Are there characteristics of the high tech sector which make it particularly prone to monopolization or anticompetitive foreclosure, and which justify the European Commission’s apparent focus on the sector? Lorenzo Coppi (LECG)

Christopher Thomas, Jan 27, 2011

Intel and McAfee – Antitrust is Getting it Right in High Tech

Applying the antitrust rules in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) environment is not an obvious matter. Christopher Thomas (Hogan Lovells)

Lia Vitzilaiou, Jan 27, 2011

Keywords: Google, European Commission. Anyone Feeling Lucky?

This Commission investigation targets the core of the Google business, i.e. its search engine, and naturally has attracted a lot of controversy. Lia Vitzilaiou (Lambadarios Law Offices)

Update: Russia

Denis Matvienko, Yuri Rubin, Jan 27, 2011

Competition Policy in Russia: Historical Sources, the Current State, and Evolutionary Perspectives

However, being concentrated on protecting competition, current Russian state policy lacks the full measures necessary to stimulate developing competition. Yuri Rubin & Denis Matvienko (Moscow University of Industry and Finance)