Introduction to the China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Reports

CPI Asia Column edited by Vanessa Yanhua Zhang (Global Economics Group) present:

Introduction to the China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Reports By MRLC Staff

The China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Report series (the “MRLC Annual Reports”) have been published by the China-Korea Market & Regulation Law Center (“MRLC”), co-founded by the ICR Law Center of Korea University and the Economic Law Research Center of Renmin University for the last three years starting with the 2014 edition.

Undertaken based on understanding that there is a lack of knowledgeable text on the topic of Chinese and Korean IP & Competition laws, the MRLC Annual Reports offer expert and practical introduction of yearly developments of Chinese and Korean laws in the fields of IP and Competition law in English, Chinese and Korean for an international audience. The first and second editions of the MRLC Annual Report were well accepted by experts all over the world as the first work of its kind covering a full range of cutting-edge and controversial issues and cases in IP and Competition laws for each jurisdiction.

Combining the highest expertise and resources, each Annual Report contains an overview of the current legal system, summary of the yearly developments, and detailed discussions of legislative developments and major cases in all major categories of IP and Competition law. For IP law, the legislative and judicial developments of following topics are covered: patent law, trademark law, copyright law, trade secrets and unfair competition. For Competition law, the topics covered are: monopoly agreements, abuse of market dominant position, concentration of undertakings, administrative monopoly conduct, unfair competition conduct, private litigation. Most significantly, the relatively novel issue of enforcement trends of competition law in the context of intellectual property rights are discussed in a separate chapter.

All the Annual Reports are available in e-book and paperback format through

The newest 2016 edition has been published in 2 separate volumes (in English and in Chinese & Korean) to enhance ease of use and comparative study. With the release of the 2016 edition, MRLC is now prepared to release the earlier 2014 and 2015 editions for free distribution through the following links:

  • China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Report 2015

  • China-Korea IP & Competition Law Annual Report 2014

ICR/MRLC hopes that our collaborative efforts in the Annual Report series elevates the discussion and brings about legal and institutional progress in the Asian region as a whole.

If any questions regarding the China-Korea IP & Competition Annual Report, please contact the ICR Law Center Secretariat at