India: CAM adds ex-Allen & Overy senior partner

Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas has appointed another high-profile name to its internal “strategic advisory board”, with the part-time hire of former magic circle firm Allen & Overy’s senior partner David Morley.

Morley commented in a press release, “Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas is a leading independent law firm in India with an amazing global reputation. It has been at the forefront of driving change, within the firm, in the Indian legal industry and in delivery of services to its clients. I am looking forward to my association with the firm and being a part of their transformation journey as they approach the next century of their journey.”

The firm’s strategic advisory board, which was first set up in August 2015, guides the firm’s management on “vision, overall direction and strategy matters.”

In January 2016, the firm had hired former Competition Commission of India chairman Ashok Chawla.

Full Content: Legally India

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