How Should Companies Adapt To The New AI Regulations?

By: Timea Bana (Dentons)

The use of artificial intelligence is already spreading. Today this new trend is evolving relatively easily, however, it is expected to become the focus of regulatory activity in the near future. Increasingly severe penalties and growing social discontent will accompany the mistakes made by companies. Dentons believes that companies should already be preparing for the use of artificial intelligence. We asked Tímea Bana, partner, TMT, AI and IP expert about this topic.

Dentons Budapest: Earlier, artificial intelligence had to be defined, but by now it has become a well-known concept, as it has appeared in almost all areas of life. What are your views on this new technological practice? 

Tímea Bana: Artificial intelligence is developing at explosive speed. IT discoveries are applied extremely quickly. Artificial intelligence is expected to become strongly woven into the operation of companies and have a major impact on the life of employees and consumers. 

The dazzling speed of technological innovation and the effectiveness of new solutions fascinate creators and users but in no way changes the framework for legal compliance. In our view, the period where the novelty of technological solutions had a disarming effect on the regulatory environment and the institutions for the interpretation of the law is slowly coming to an end. In recent years, it was not only technological changes that have caused astonishment, but the management of the challenges and tensions they created has also increasingly came into focus…