Google Files New Lawsuit Over Fake Reviews

Google has filed a lawsuit in San Jose federal court against a man and his companies based in Los Angeles. The lawsuit alleges that he created numerous fake business listings on Google’s platforms and sold them to real businesses, deceiving unknowing customers.

Google has issued a statement regarding a lawsuit filed against Ethan QiQi Hu for the ongoing issue of fake reviews on internet commerce sites, with the aim of putting a stop to these harmful practices.

Google filed a lawsuit alleging that Hu establishes fake businesses that show up on its search engine and Google Maps. To confirm them, Hu employs an intricate array of props during video calls with Google’s representatives.

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The lawsuit alleges that Hu utilizes a tool bench as a means of confirming fraudulent listings for various services, such as garage repair, tree cutting, plumbing, and aromatherapy and reiki therapy businesses.

Accordingly, Hu has been accused of purchasing numerous fabricated favorable reviews in order for his businesses’ authenticity. Moreover, he purportedly markets the fabricated profiles as sales leads for authentic enterprises in corresponding industries, who subsequently receive inquiries from potential clients contacted by the fraudulent establishments.