Gilead And Teva’s HIV Antitrust Trial Begins

Gilead Sciences and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries have a long history of defending themselves against allegations of colluding to hinder competition to Gilead’s profitable lineup of HIV drugs. Currently, the case is scheduled to go to trial.

The antitrust trial between Gilead Sciences Inc. And Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. began in a California federal court on Wednesday, reported Fierce Pharma. The companies are facing accusations of collusion to postpone the entry of generic drugs in the market for Gilead’s HIV medications.

Several companies, including UnitedHealthcare, CVS Pharmacy, Rite Aid, and Walgreens, have filed a lawsuit alleging that a pay-for-delay scheme prevented cheaper HIV generics from entering the market in a timely manner. UnitedHealthcare happens to be the largest health insurer in the U.S.

Related: Amgen, Teva Get Can Appeal Sensipar Antitrust Ruling

In 2019, the plaintiffs initiated a case alleging that two drugmakers had executed unfair patent settlements, leading to delayed entry of HIV generics in the market. As a result, the plaintiffs claim they paid more for HIV medication.

Lawsuits have been filed claiming that certain companies made agreements to postpone the production of a generic version of Gilead’s Viread until December 2017. The plaintiffs assert that these companies also delayed the release of generics for Truvada, as well as Atripla, until September 2020.