Germany Monitors Apple Closly For “Anti-Competitive Practices”

The German government has officially categorized Apple as a company with a significant cross-market impact on competition, potentially leading to regulatory intervention in cases of suspected anti-competitive behavior.

Bundeskartellamt has stated that Apple and its subsidiaries will now be subject to digital regulations implemented at the beginning of this year. These regulations will enable the authority to take swift and effective action against any activities that may threaten fair competition. 

Read more: Apple Facing New Antitrust Complaint In Germany Over App Tracking

The regulations currently affect large digital companies operating in various sectors such as Alphabet, Meta Platforms, and Amazon. The authority is currently evaluating Microsoft to determine if it should also be subject to stricter rules.

Bundeskartellamt president Andreas Mundt said Apple had a “position of economic power that spans all markets, which gives the company scope for action that is not sufficiently controlled by the competition”.

After the designation decision, he stated that they can address practices that harm competition and prevent them effectively.

The authority is currently investigating Apple regarding its app-tracking policies. No determination has been made regarding any additional actions against the company.