Germany/France: Regulators present a joint study on algorithms

The Autorité de la concurrence and the German Bundeskartellamt have presented a joint study on algorithms and competition, during a conference at the École nationale d’administration (ENA).

The increasing use of algorithms by firms raises questions for competition enforcers. With this in mind, the Autorité de la concurrence and the Bundeskartellamt publish their joint study today providing an overview of the different algorithms and the competition issues raised by their use. 

At this occasion, several renowned speakers, notably business representatives, researchers and competition enforcers, have discussed potential business applications for algorithms, pricing algorithms and the risk of horizontal collusion, as well as ways to address the challenged raised by algorithms.  

The study as well as an executive summary are available on the websites of the Autorité de la concurrence and the Bundeskartellamt.

As the study has been carried out in English, a French translation of the full version of the study is under way and will soon be available.