German Authors, Trade Groups Call For Tougher AI ChatGPT Regulations

On Wednesday (Apr 19), associations and trade unions representing over 140,000 authors and performers from Germany urged the European Union (EU) to strengthen draft artificial intelligence (AI) regulations due to concerns over copyright infringement from Chat GPT.

Various trade unions and associations representing the creative sector, such as Verdi and DGB, photographers, designers, journalists and illustrators, have expressed their concerns in a letter addressed to the European Commission, European Council, and EU lawmakers.

Read more: Spain Requested EU Data Protection Board To Discuss OpenAI’s ChatGPT

The letter highlighted concerns regarding generative artificial intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT, which has the ability to imitate humans and generate text and images based on given prompts.

“The unauthorised usage of protected training material, its non-transparent processing, and the foreseeable substitution of the sources by the output of generative AI raise fundamental questions of accountability, liability, and remuneration, which need to be addressed before irreversible harm occurs,” the letter seen by Reuters said.

“Generative AI needs to be at the centre of any meaningful AI market regulation,” it said.