“From Collusion to Competition” – 13th Issue

Oct 31, 2013

CPI Cartel Column edited by Rosa Abrantes-Metz (Global Economics Group/NYU Stern School of Business)

Welcome to the October issue of “From Collusion from Competition.” This month is dedicated to the OECD roundtable on Ex Officio investigations and the role of screening, which took place yesterday, October 30, in Paris.

I had the opportunity to discuss my work on screens with all member states, and hear different points of view on the topic. My submission to the roundtable, Professor Bill Kovacic’s submission, who was also part of the panel, and that of the OECD are available at:


These documents explain why competition authorities need to diversify, just leniency is not enough. They also counter-argue all of the common arguments raised against the use of screens by some competition authorities. Particularly to those who are still skeptical of these tools, I highly recommend these readings.

It was an enjoyable and lively discussion. In the coming months, the OECD will publish the members’ submissions and a summary of the discussion. Thank you to the OECD for organizing this roundtable!

Happy Halloween!

Rosa M. Abrantes-Metz