French Regulator Asks Meta To Change Ad Verifications

France’s antitrust watchdog has given Meta a deadline of two months to modify its access regulations for ad verification partners. The watchdog claims that Meta may be exploiting its dominant market position in online advertising.

The competition authority has stated that Meta needs to release updated access requirements for partners who wish to utilize its analytical tools. This is to ensure that online ad campaigns are genuine and do not negatively impact the brand’s reputation.

The new criteria have been outlined to be transparent, objective, non-discriminatory, and proportionate.

A spokesperson from Meta stated via email that they are currently reviewing the interim decision and exploring their options.

Read more: French Watchdog Says Meta Makes Antitrust Commitments Over Ads

Ad verification companies provide a range of services, including measuring online ad views, detecting online traffic fraud, and preventing client ads from appearing on websites that could negatively impact their brand, such as pornographic sites.

The French regulatory agency expressed concern over Meta’s invite-only system, which could potentially limit access to data for smaller operators and raise issues of discrimination in areas such as “viewability” and “brand safety” services.

Adloox, an independent French ad verification company, was unsuccessful in obtaining access to Meta’s data for these services from 2016 to 2022, which led to the case being brought forward.

Last year, Adloox filed a complaint with the competition authority. The authority determined that the barrier to entry caused by Meta was harmful to both Adloox and the independent ad verification sector as a whole.