Former Italian Antitrust Chief Catricalà Dies- Antonio Catricalà

Former Italian Antitrust Chief Catricalà Dies

Antonio Catricalà, the former head of Italy’s Antitrust Authority and a former Cabinet secretary, is suspected of having committed suicide by shooting himself, sources said Wednesday, February 24.

Catricalà’s body was found in his home in Rome’s Parioli district. Crime scene investigators are at work, reported ANSA. Antonio Catricalà was an Italian public manager, politician, professor, lawyer, and magistrate.

Antonio Catricalà graduated with honors in law from the University of Rome “La Sapienza.” Catricalà later won the competition in ordinary magistracy, and passed the qualifying exam as a lawyer. Subsequently, he became, by competition, councilor and section president of the Italian Council of State. He also taught private law in the faculty of law of the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

He was president of the Italian Competition Authority from March 2005 to November 2011. On November 18, 2010, he was appointed chair of the Authority for electricity and gas, but he gave up the charge a few days later to remain President of the Italian Antitrust Commission.