
Facebook Antitrust Suits Have Bipartisan Support

Democrats and Republicans have joined together to support antitrust charges leveled against Facebook Wednesday, December 9, by the Federal Trade Commission and an alliance of attorneys general from 48 states, a move that seeks to break up the company and reverse previously approved acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (Independent – Vermont) applauded the effort, writing on Twitter that Facebook’s “greed knows no bounds, and they’ve used their power to try and control too much of political and economic life all over the world… the only thing that will stop Facebook is to say ‘enough is enough’ and break it up.” 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat – New York) concurred, describing the social media giant as “an out-of-control monopoly” that has “abused its market power to squash competition, manipulate democracies, and crush journalism.”

Colorado Republican Ken Buck, a member of the House judiciary committee, said that Facebook “crushed the competition by breaking the law” and wrote on Twitter that “Big Tech’s reckoning has just begun.”