
EU: Vestager considers toughening ‘burden of proof’ for Big Tech

Large internet companies could be held to higher standards of proof in competition cases as part of changes to EU rules being considered by Margrethe Vestager, reported The Financial Times. 

The EU antitrust chief said she was examining a proposal from independent experts suggesting that digital platforms suspected of anti-competitive behavior be required, in certain cases, to demonstrate clear gains for their users to avoid punitive measures,  instead of Brussels having to show the damaging effects on consumers.  

“I think it’s an important discussion in figuring out what kind of regulation would be useful,” Ms Vestager told the Financial Times.

Stressing she had yet to reach a decision on whether to tighten the standard of proof, the Danish politician said that companies such as Google should bear extra responsibilities because they are so dominant that they have become “de facto regulators” in their markets.

 “When you own a market and you’re the de facto market regulator, what are then the obligations that you get? And how do you show that you actually meet your obligations?,” the commissioner said.