EU: Vestager and Věra Jourová are off to the US this week to talk competition

EU antitrust head Margrethe Vestager and justice commissioner Věra Jourová are headed to US this week to talk competition.

Vestager told reporters last week she’s still in the dark about how many officials at the US Justice Departmentor the Federal Trade Commission she’d see during her short US trip. Such meetings are a usual part of a careful co-operation between the US and the EU as officials try to align deadlines for merger reviews and coordinate global cartel raids.

The EU’s green light for the Dow-DuPont merger also spares Competition Commissioner Vestager from angering the administration of US President Donald Trump, just days before her visit to Washington.

The Justice Department’s antitrust division and the FTC, which share antitrust jurisdiction in the US, are both being run by temporary leaders until Trump names permanent replacements. Makan Delrahim, a former Justice Department lawyer now at the White House, is Trump’s pick to run the antitrust division, according to people familiar with the matter. Delrahim’s nomination requires Senate approval before he can step into the job.

Full Content: Bloomberg

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