EU: Vestager advocates regulating data access over breaking up big tech

According to TechCrunch the European Union’s  competition commissioner, Margrethe Vestager,  has suggested that breaking up tech giants should be a measure of last resort,

“To break up a company, to break up private property would be very far reaching and you would need to have a very strong case that it would produce better results for consumers in the marketplace than what you could do with more mainstream tools,” she warned this weekend, speaking in a SXSW interview with Recode’s Kara Swisher. “We’re dealing with private property. Businesses that are built and invested in and become successful because of their innovation.”

While would-be US presidential candidates are now advocating regulating big tech, the European commissioner advocates taking a scalpel to data streams rather than wielding a break-up hammer to smash tech giants.

“When it comes to the very far reaching proposal to split up companies, for us, from a European perspective, that would be a measure of last resort,” she said. “What we do now, we do the antitrust cases, misuse of dominant position, the tying of products, the self-promotion, the demotion of others, to see if that approach will correct and change the marketplace to make it a fair place where there’s no misuse of dominant position but where smaller competitors can have a fair go. Because they may be the next big one, the next one with the greatest idea for consumers.”

Full Content: Tech Crunch

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