EU: Commission to review competition from Gulf-based airlines

France’s Secretary of State for Transport, Maritime and Fisheries Alain Vidalies and Germany’s Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure Alexander Dobrindt called for the European Commission to “act” in order to restore “fair competition with the airlines of the Gulf.”

The Ministers stated: “European airlines are losing market share against the Gulf companies, because of their unfair competitive practices, particularly because of the significant public subsidies and guarantees they enjoy.”

At a meeting of EU Transport ministers, Mr Vidalies and Mr Dobrindt called for the EU to “adopt a common strategy to put an end to these practices”, and suggested “the extension of traffic rights given in Europe to foreign airlines should be accompanied by effective control of the mode of operation of these companies.” Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and Sweden supported the initiative.

The European Commission said last week that it will address French and German concerns over the alleged subsidies when it proposes a commercial aviation agreement with the Gulf region later this year.


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