EU Commission Adopts Digital Finance Package

The European Commission has adopted a new Digital Finance Package, including Digital Finance and Retail Payments Strategies, and legislative proposals on crypto-assets and digital resilience. This package will boost Europe’s competitiveness and innovation in the financial sector, paving the way for Europe to become a global standard-setter. It will give consumers more choice and opportunities in financial services and modern payments, while at the same time ensuring consumer protection and financial stability.

These measures will be crucial in supporting the EU’s economic recovery as it will unlock new ways of channelling funding to Europe’s businesses, while also playing a key role in delivering the European Green Deal and the New Industrial Strategy for Europe.

By making rules safer and more digital friendly for consumers, the Commission aims to boost responsible innovation in the EU’s financial sector, especially for highly innovative digital start-ups, while mitigating any potential risks related to investor protection, money laundering and cyber-crime, reported the EC.

Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President for an Economy that works for People, said, “The future of finance is digital. We saw during the lockdown how people were able to get access to financial services thanks to digital technologies such as online banking and fintech solutions. Technology has much more to offer consumers and businesses and we should embrace the digital transformation proactively, while mitigating any potential risks. That’s what today’s package aims to do. An innovative digital single market for finance will benefit Europeans and will be key to Europe’s economic recovery by offering better financial products for consumers and opening up new funding channels for companies.”

Full Content: Europa

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