Epic Games

Epic Games Files Antitrust Complaint Against Apple In The EU

Epic Games announced Wednesday, February 17, that it has filed an antitrust complaint against Apple with the European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, reported CNBC.

In a complaint filed with the commission’s directorate-general for competition, the Fortnite developer stated the 30% cut that Apple takes on App Store purchases is anti-competitive.

Epic stated Apple has “not just harmed but completely eliminated competition in app distribution and payment processes.” The iPhone maker “uses its control of the iOS ecosystem to benefit itself while blocking competitors,” Epic stated.

The European Commission told CNBC it has received the complaint and will assess it based on its standard procedures.

Epic launched its own in-app payment system last summer to try to avoid paying the 30% commission that Apple takes from in-app revenues. In response, Apple pulled Fortnite from its App Store and revoked Epic’s developer license.

“Epic enabled a feature in its app which was not reviewed or approved by Apple, and they did so with the express intent of violating the App Store guidelines that apply equally to every developer and protect customers,” Apple said in a statement. “Their reckless behavior made pawns of customers, and we look forward to making this clear to the European Commission.”