Epic Games

Epic Games Claims Most Americans Want App Store Competition

The Coalition for App Fairness (CAF) claims that the majority of Americans want to see App Storecompetition, alongside other antitrust legislation.

CAF commissioned two polls which show strong support for antitrust bills, one of which would mean opening up Apple and Google app stores to third-party competitor

CAF was formed back in 2020 by a small group of companies, led by Epic Games, Spotify, and Tile – each of which was battling with Apple at the time. The lobbying group made no secret of its nemesis.

The group has been calling for independent iOS app stores and lower commissions for developers.

CAF says that 79% of voters support the Open App Markets Act, which, among other things, calls for an end to monopoly control of the iOS app market by Apple.”

Recent research conducted by OnMessage Public Strategies and Lake Research Partners found likely voters in both parties back legislation to address the anticompetitive practices of app store gatekeepers.

The surveys found that 68% of voters think Big Tech has too much power and 79% support efforts by Congress to pass the Open App Markets Act and open up the mobile app ecosystem to competition. In California, polling showed that 69% of likely California voters believe Big Tech has too much power and 75% support the Open App Markets Act […]”

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