Elon Musk Reportedly Asked To Meet With FTC’s Lina Khan But Was Rejected

FTC chair Lina Khan turned down Elon Musk’s invitation to meet, The New York Times reported.

Elon Musk extended an invitation to the FTC, possibly in an effort to address concerns regarding data privacy on Twitter. The agency expressed concerns about the billionaire’s takeover of the social media company, particularly after he reduced the workforce by 50% a few weeks later. The agency stated in November that it was closely monitoring the situation.

According to documents viewed by the Times, Khan declined Musk’s invitation for a meeting in a response letter dated January 27. The regulator has requested an interview with Musk as part of its investigation, but it has not taken place yet.

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“I recommend that Twitter appropriately prioritize its legal obligations to provide the requested information,” Khan wrote, according to the Times. “Once Twitter has fully complied with all FTC. requests, I will be happy to consider scheduling a meeting with Mr. Musk.”

Musk has since met with Christine Wilson, the agency’s only Republican commissioner, in February, according to the Times. Wilson said in an opinion article for The Wall Street Journal published the same month as the meeting that she plans to resign from her role at the regulator after accusing Khan of an “abuse of power.”