Dutch Watchdog Calls For More Info From OpenAI On Data

The Dutch privacy watchdog, DPA, expressed concern on Wednesday regarding the use of personal data by software developers working on artificial intelligence (AI). They have reached out to OpenAI, which is backed by Microsoft, to request additional information.

Various governing bodies, including the European Union, are currently examining potential regulation for technology following the rapid growth of OpenAI’s ChatGPT as a consumer application.

The DPA expressed concern about the treatment of personal information by organizations using ‘generative’ artificial intelligence.

Read more: Japan Watchdog Looks Into ChatGPT-Maker OpenAI On Data

The agency has initiated steps for the future and has sent a letter to OpenAI requesting clarification regarding ChatGPT.

Determined to gain insight, DAP has requested details on the data collection methods and storage practices of the company’s software, as well as any user information obtained through inquiries.

There is growing concern about the potential misuse of technology and the potential for increased production of disinformation by bad actors and governments.