Competition Policy in Asia: Essays on Recent Development

Jun 30, 2015

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our book “Competition Policy in Asia: Essays on Recent Development”, edited by Dr. Vanessa Yanhua Zhang of Global Economics Group (GlobalEcon) and published by Competition Policy International (CPI).

Competition policy in Asia has made dramatic progress in the past years, though it is still considered young compared to other developed jurisdictions, such as the United States, the European Union, Australia and Canada. However, there are some unique characteristics that set Asia’s competition regimes apart. Although most Asian Competition agencies have learned lessons and experiences from their Western peers, Asia is developing its own, and sometimes quite unique, path towards growth. Therefore, our book provides a local point of view to understand such differences.

As Judge Ginsburg wrote in the preface of the book, “antitrust in Asia is in a state of rapid change and development at a time when Asian nations have become increasingly important to the global economy, both as major exporters and, more recently, as importers of goods and of foreign direct investment. It is no wonder the attention of the worldwide competition community is newly focused upon antitrust in Asia, and therefore upon the reports and analyses that appear in CPI’s Asia Column.”

This book is the result of over three-year’s persistent efforts by the column’s editor and the collective contributions from the scholars and experts in this field. The authors of each chapter come from academia, government, private practice and industry. They discuss cutting-edge issues with our CPI Asia Column readers, covering China, Japan, South Korea, India, Singapore, Taiwan and other ASEAN countries. Nowadays, our Asia Column has become “the premier forum chronicling antitrust developments in the region”, according to Judge Ginsburg. We would like to thank all our supporters who make up this Asia competition community.

Last but not least, we wish you can enjoy this book over the summer. The electronic copy of the book can be accessed here. The hardcopy will be available at shortly.