China: Ericsson confirms it’s under antitrust investigation

Sweden-based telecoms manufacturer Ericsson confirmed to the Global Times on Sunday that it is being investigated by Chinese market regulators over complaints against its intellectual property rights (IPR) licensing practices in the country.

Ericsson said that it is fully cooperating with the investigation and will refrain from further comment while the probe is ongoing.

“We license our industry leading patents portfolio on FRAND (Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) terms and conditions and have always been committed to these FRAND principles,” Ericsson said.

The response came after, an industry website, reported on Sunday that China’s State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) recently launched a “surprise investigation” at Ericsson’s Beijing office, as Chinese mobile phone makers have complained that Ericsson violated the anti-monopoly law in the 3G and 4G standard essential patents (SEPs) licensing market in China.

Full Content: Global Times

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