
Canada Cracking Down On Deceptive COVID-19 Advertising

The Canada Competition Bureau is warning all businesses against making false or misleading claims that their products and services can prevent, treat or cure COVID-19. 

The Bureau is actively monitoring the marketplace and taking action to stop potentially deceptive claims that could give Canadians a false impression that products or services can treat COVID-19 infections or protect against the coronavirus. 

The Bureau has issued direct compliance warnings to a variety of businesses across Canada to stop potentially deceptive claims, including warnings against:

      1.  making claims that herbal remedies, bee-related products, vitamins, vegetables, or other food and drink products can prevent COVID-19 infections; and

      2.  making claims—without first conducting the testing required by law—that certain UV and ozone air sterilization systems, as well as certain air filters or air purifiers, will effectively kill or filter out the virus.

The businesses included a major national retailer and businesses located in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Québec, and New Brunswick. Most of the businesses have taken corrective action, pulling products that raised concerns from their shelves or stopping the claims. The Bureau continues to monitor the situation and will take further action as needed.

Full Content: Canada

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