Bulgaria’s Antitrust Watchdog Probes Price Hikes In Foods

The Bulgarian Competition Authority recently launched investigations into possible antitrust violations regarding retailers and associations in the food industry. These investigations were triggered by reported unfounded price hikes in the sector. The authority is seeking to address any potential issues to protect consumers from unjustified pricing practices.

The Commission on Protection of Competition (CPC) will investigate whether the sector players have established antitrust agreements or made decisions to enter into unlawful associations, it said in a press release on Thursday.

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The Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) has announced a series of market probes in response to significant price hikes on various food items including eggs, dairy products, bread and sunflower oil during the first quarter of 2023. The CPC is particularly concerned about the spike in prices and will be taking steps to investigate possible anti-competitive behaviors.

The probes are being conducted in the context of significant price increases on the Bulgarian food market in the first months of 2023, the CPC said. The commission’s attention has been particularly drawn by the steep rise in the prices of eggs and dairy products as well as other staple foods such as bread and sunflower oil.