Banning ChatGPT Will Do More Harm Than Good

By: Rohan Mehta (MIT Technology Review)

The release of ChatGPT has been a disruptive development for the world of higher education. Universities have scrambled to provide guidance to their staff and students, taking to social media to share a growing range of responses. Students, for their part, have been cautiously experimenting with ways to make AI play some part in their academic work. 

Yet, the idea of calmly and carefully responding to this new and exciting tool seems to have entirely missed the world of basic education – the K-12 system, as is known in the USA – opting instead for broad bans and blocked websites.1 

In the view of author Rohan Mehta, that’s a shame. If educators were to engage with students and embrace the technology’s capabilities, as well as understand its limitations, they could work together in defining new academic stasndards that would allow generative AI to democratize and revitalize elementary education…