Vivek Ghosal

Vivek Ghosal is the Department Head and Virginia and Lloyd W. Rittenhouse Professor, Economics.

Dr. Ghosal is Professor, the Head of the Department of Economics, and the Virginia and Lloyd W. Rittenhouse Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences. Professor Ghosal's current research and policy interests include: biopharmaceuticals markets focusing on innovation, pricing and FDA regulations; antitrust laws and enforcement; Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and competition law and economics; firm strategy related to innovation, M&As, and pricing; and firms' decision-making under uncertainty. The courses he currently teaches include: Economics of Biotechnology and Medical Innovations; and Economics of Regulations and Firm Strategy.

Before joining Rensselaer in 2016, he was the Richard and Mary Inman Research Professor at the School of Economics at Georgia Institute of Technology. He was also the Director of the MS and PhD. programs. Prior to his position at Georgia Tech., he was an Economist at the Economic Analysis Group of the Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice (1998-2001). In this position, he worked on mergers and acquisitions, horizontal and vertical market power, tying agreements, joint ventures, regulatory reform, and innovation and efficiency. Some of the markets he investigated include electricity, nuclear fuel, natural gas, coal, information technology, radio broadcasting, oilfield drilling services, and postal.

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