Abbott B. Lipsky

Tad Lipsky Assistant Professor and Director of the Competition Advocacy Program at the Global Antitrust Institute. He received a JD from Stanford Law School and an MA in Economics from Stanford University in 1976. Since then his entire career has been devoted to antitrust law, economics and policy, including positions in government and the private sector (both law firm and in-house). He has extensive experience in virtually every aspect of antitrust and competition practice, U.S. and international.

From 1981-83 Mr. Lipsky served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General under William F. Baxter, President Reagan's first chief antitrust enforcement official, who sparked profound changes in antitrust law and policy. In that position Mr. Lipsky supervised Supreme Court litigation in a series of groundbreaking antitrust cases. He also supervised preparation of the 1982 Department of Justice Merger Guidelines, which provided the first clear and thorough economic foundation for antitrust analysis of mergers, acquisitions and other structural transactions. He also organized and supervised the Antitrust Division's review of United States v. IBM Corp., which culminated in a joint stipulation of dismissal without prejudice of the marathon case in 1982. More recently he served as co-chair of the Transition Team for the Federal Trade Commission following the election of President Donald Trump. Following his retirement in February, 2017 after fifteen years of partnership at Latham & Watkins, LLP, he served as the Acting Director of FTC’s Bureau of Competition until July, 2017.

Mr. Lipsky served as chief antitrust lawyer for The Coca-Cola Company from 1992-2002 and has incomparable experience with antitrust law regimes throughout the world, including established regimes (U.S., Brazil, Canada, Europe, India, Japan, South Africa) as well as in new and emerging antitrust law systems in scores of jurisdictions that adopted free-market institutions following the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.

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