Susan Joseph

JD/MBA Attorney focusing on Blockchain, Enterprise and Government Digitization, Data, and FinTech. CEO at, (Public Health Data and blockchain company), Executive Director Fintech at Cornell, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, Executive Director of 501(c)(3) Diversity in Blockchain (pro bono). Startup Advisory Boards: Digital Asset Insurer, Civics/Policy Platform, Impact Fund, & Identity. Former General Counsel who can envision, strategize, build and drive business, and manage risk. Past Advisor to RiskStream and B3i (Insurance Consortia). Practice areas include data management and use, insurance, cryptocurrencies and DeFi, fintech applications, supply chain digitization for the mining sector including eBL, ESG, and consortia. Adviser to digital asset insurer, civic platform, and identity start ups and World Economic Forum Expert. Industry Speaker, Blockchain and Fintech Educator at Cornell, MIT, Stanford, Cleveland-Marshall Law, CKGSB, Family Offices, and ABA and PLI CLEs. Founded womeninfintech on Linkedin with 2,200 plus members in 47 countries.

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