Susan Creighton

Susan Creighton leads the firm's regulatory department. Susan's practice focuses on merger review, government conduct investigations, and antitrust litigation and counseling. Representative matters include serving as co-lead outside counsel for Google in the U.S. Antitrust Division’s recently filed conduct case; serving as lead counsel in the Federal Trade Commission's search investigation of Google, which was closed without an enforcement action; representing Qualcomm in advocacy before the FTC; representing Netflix in connection with the Justice Department's investigation of the proposed Comcast/TWC merger; and representing Deutsche Telekom in connection with T-Mobile's successful merger with Sprint Corporation.

Susan was named "Lawyer of the Year" by Global Competition Review in 2013, and was one of The National Law Journal's "Outstanding Women Lawyers" in 2015. She has testified before the Antitrust Modernization Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Senate on antitrust-related issues. She also has written a number of widely cited articles, including on issues related to mergers, intellectual property, and unilateral conduct.

From 2003 through the end of 2005, Susan served at the Federal Trade Commission as Director of the Bureau of Competition. From 2001 to 2003, she served as Deputy Director of the Bureau under then-Director Joe Simons. Prior to joining the FTC, Susan wrote the white paper for Netscape that is credited with triggering the Department of Justice's investigation and eventual suit against Microsoft for illegal monopolization.

Susan has served in a variety of leadership roles within the firm, including on the board of directors.

Prior to joining the firm, she was a law clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. She also served as a law clerk to Federal District Judge Pamela Ann Rymer.

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