Steve McCorriston

Professor Steve McCorriston is currently Professor of Agricultural Economics. His research interests relate to trade and competition issues with particular reference to food markets in both developed and developing countries. Related research covers FDI and taxation issues and the links between environmental policy and trade. He has acted as a consultant to the OECD, the UN Food and Agricutlure Organisation, the EU Commission and the UK's Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). For the latter, his research has informed the development of bespoke tools for forecasting UK food price inflation. He has received funding from the EU (most notably the Transparency of Food Pricing (TRANSFOP) project, a €1 Million EU-wide project involving 13 universities and research institutes across 10 EU countries), the BBSRC and ESRC and served on the advisory panel of the UK's recent National Food Strategy.

Professor McCorriston was previously Editor of the European Review of Agricultural Economics and has previously served as an Associate Editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. He has presented his research widely including invited papers throughout Europe, North America and China. His research has been published widely and in 2008 was awarded the “Quality of Policy Contribution” prize for his paper with Donald MacLaren (University of Melbourne) for his paper on state trading published in the European Economic Review. He was made Fellow of the European Association of Agricultural Economists in 2021.

He was Head of the Department of Economics at the Business School from 2005 to 2011 and has previously served as Director for Research.

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