Stepan Svoboda

Štepán Svoboda joined bpv Braun Haskovcova's competition law practice group in 2006. As a competition lawyer, he specialises in liberalisation of postal services and gas and electricity markets, and also in cartel agreements along with the European antitrust law.

Although Štepán Svoboda's principal area of practice is competition law, he has also significant experience in corporate transactions, mergers and acquisitions and European law. He speaks fluent German and English.

Štepán Svoboda graduated from the Charles University in Prague (Faculty of Law), where he also completed his doctor thesis, and also studied at the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany, where he received his LLM degree in German and European Law. In addition, he was awarded a Masters in European Integration at the University of Limerick, Ireland.

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