Stanley Wong

Dr Stanley Wong is a competition lawyer with a career in law of over 25 years. In June 2011, he established StanleyWongGlobal (SW Law Corporation) to conduct a global practice of competition law and competition policy to advise and to represent the public side including enforcement agencies, governmental bodies and international governmental organisations. The practice combines the experiences, perspectives and reflections of a leading private practitioner in Canada of competition law and of a senior public enforcement official in Ireland of Irish and European Union competition laws. The services provided include advice and representation with respect to enforcement, legislative reform, advocacy and capacity-building.

In February 2011 he completed a five-year appointment as Member (commissioner) of the Competition Authority, Ireland where he was responsible at various times for civil enforcement and mergers under Irish and European Union competition laws. He frequently represented the Authority in consultations by the European Commission on draft decisions in antitrust and merger cases and on draft guidelines and policy initiatives. As well, he was an active participant in the work of the Competition Committee of the OECD and the Unilateral Conduct Working Group and Merger Working Group (serving as co-chair) of the International Competition Network.

During his term of office in Ireland, he was frequently asked by the European Commission to speak on European Union competition law at capacity-building workshops and conferences for competition authorities in China, India and the ASEAN. He has also made presentations to competition authorities in Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Korea and at the OECD-Korea Policy Centre.

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