Silke Heinz

Ms. Heinz has been involved in a broad range of merger control proceedings with the European Commission and with the Federal Cartel Office in Germany, including second-phase proceedings, the negotiation of undertakings as well as referral cases to and from the European Commission. She recently represented clients in the GlaxoSmithKline/Novartis and Baxter Healthcare/Gambro merger cases. She is also experienced in worldwide multi-country merger filings.

Ms. Heinz has represented clients in litigation, notably with the Düsseldorf Court of Appeals, the German Federal State Court and the European Courts. For example, she represented Axel Springer in the litigation against the FCO’s merger prohibition of the acquisition of ProSieben/Sat.1. She was also involved in the preliminary ruling proceedings in the Pfleiderer case concerning access to file in cartel cases, and other civil litigation and arbitration cases involving antitrust claims, including defending Disney against claims of cinema operators.

Ms. Heinz further has in-depth experience with cartel proceedings with the European Commission and national authorities, including the coordination of multi-authority proceedings. She has carried out internal investigations, has assisted in dawn raids, submitted leniency applications and negotiated settlements with competition authorities. Ms. Heinz advised clients in EU cartel proceedings for example in the areas of bathroom fittings and fixtures (including subsequent appeal proceedings with the European Courts) detergents, the automotive sector, and in Germany for example in the decorative paper, consumer goods and beer cartel proceedings. She has also advised on damage claims.

In addition, Ms. Heinz is active in compliance, including establishing compliance concepts and providing antitrust trainings.

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