Schonette Walker

Schonette Jones Walker is an Assistant Attorney General in the Maryland Office of the Attorney General, Antitrust Division. In January 2018, she became the Deputy Chief of that division. Currently, Ms. Walker focuses on merger and civil non-merger matters with a major concentration in the healthcare space. She has worked a number of years in both the criminal and civil antitrust practice areas, having begun her career in the U.S. Department of Justice’s Honors Program as a criminal prosecutor in its Antitrust Division. After leaving DOJ, Ms. Walker joined the Washington, DC office of Howrey, Simon, Arnold & White where she handled various antitrust, complex civil litigation and class action matters.

Schonette has worked on a number of American Bar Association and National Bar Association panels related to antitrust issues, as both moderator and panelist. She is also very involved in the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) Pharmaceutical Industry Working Group and is currently chairperson of NAAG’s Antitrust and Labor Issues Working Group.

Ms. Walker is a graduate of the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC (LLM Taxation), Howard University School of Law in Washington, DC (J.D.) and Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut (BA).

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