Rebecca Kirk Fair

Ms. Kirk Fair has over 20 years of experience conducting economic analysis and managing case teams in a broad range of matters. These include major antitrust litigation, merger and agency competition review, intellectual property, false advertising, tax, and class certification. Ms. Kirk Fair specializes in applying market research to the evaluation of competition and substitution patterns to examine potential competitive effects in mergers and but-for outcomes in antitrust litigation. She has significant experience in cartel matters, in which she has analyzed economic and statistical issues, provided expert testimony, and supported academic experts in prominent cases involving technology, consumer products, and financial services.

Ms. Kirk Fair has conducted quantitative analysis and performed industry and market research to evaluate competition, pricing, and outputs in connection with merger investigations in the US, Canada, and the EU. In addition to having served as a compliance monitor for several years, she has also supported the US Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Canadian Competition Bureau (CCB) in a variety of merger investigations. Ms. Kirk Fair regularly speaks and writes on the use of surveys in litigation. She has received numerous awards for her accomplishments, including the W@ “40 in Their 40s: Notable Women Competition Professionals” and the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Award for her coauthored article “The Tyranny of Market Shares: Incorporating Survey-Based Evidence into Merger Analysis” (Corporate Disputes).

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