Pietro Crocioni

Pietro Crocioni currently works as an economist at DG Competition. He has over twenty years of experience in the field of competition and regulatory policies working both in agencies and economic consultancies.

Prior to joining the European Commission, he was Director of Economics at Ofwat, the UK water regulatory and competition authority, a Senior Manager at PwC, a member of the Chief Economist Team at Ofcom, the UK communication regulatory and competition authority, was seconded to the UK Competition Commission, worked in economic consultancy and at the World Bank.

His main sectoral focus has been on the communications sector, but also covers other sectors such as energy, water, airline, local buses, rail, sport, cement, credit cards, beer, cruises, casinos, audit, online services, public procurement and computer maintenance. We was an Associate Fellow at the CMUR, Warwick Business School from 2007 to 2012. He holds a MSc. in Economics (Warwick University), an MA in International Relations (SAIS) and a BA in Economics (Bologna University). He has written extensively on competition and regulatory issues.

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