Peter Wang

Peter Wang leads Jones Day's China antitrust and litigation practices. He has handled major U.S. and Chinese government antitrust investigations of proposed mergers and acquisitions, as well as nonmerger investigations and antitrust litigation. Peter represents clients inside and outside of China in complex commercial disputes and patent and other technology and intellectual property litigation. He also regularly handles Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) investigations and advises clients on related compliance and due diligence issues.

Among the China and U.S. antitrust matters Peter has handled include Bombardier Transportation's acquisition by Alstom, NVIDIA's acquisition of Mellanox, Baxter's acquisition of Gambro, Gavilon's acquisition by Marubeni, TI's acquisition of National Semiconductor, Alcatel's merger with Lucent, America Online's merger with Time Warner, and Procter & Gamble's acquisition of Clairol. He also has represented Chinese, U.S., and other clients in litigation including First American v. Zayed (RICO and related criminal, civil, and regulatory investigations and litigation), Hong Yi Construction v. Thomson Consumer Electronics (contract and RICO action), Sinochem International v. MISC (U.S. Supreme Court litigation re forum non conveniens), and AlliedSignal v. BFGoodrich (antitrust challenge to proposed acquisition).

Throughout his career, Peter has been active in the Firm's extensive pro bono practice, including substantial work for the Whitman-Walker Clinic, Appleseed, the DC Bar Free Legal Advice & Referral Clinic (for which the Firm received a DC Bar pro bono award), and litigation matters such as Native Village of Curyung v. State of Alaska (for which the Firm received a certificate of merit from Alaska Legal Services).