Niloufer Selvadurai

Professor Niloufer Selvadurai is a technology law scholar at Macquarie University. Niloufer researches and teaches on the effective governance of emerging and evolving technologies. She explores how technological change undermines the efficacy of laws, especially in the fields of digital finance, contracts, cyber security, data privacy and IP, and how legal frameworks can be reimagined to strengthen accountability and trust. A feature of her work is interdisciplinary collaborations with computing, engineering and finance. She is presently Program Director, Legal and ethics of cyber, Macquarie Cyber Security Hub, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Energy and Natural Resources Innovation and Transformation (CENRIT). She was formerly Deputy Dean, Operations and Planning, of the Macquarie Law School. In 2021, she was the recipient of the Executive Dean's Prize for Research Engagement, Faculty of Arts, Macquarie University. Qualifictions include a BA LLB (First Class Hons) from the University of Sydney, a PhD from Macqaurie University and admission as a solicitor in the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

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