Michael Salinger

Professor Salinger is currently a professor of economics at the Questrom School of Business, where he has served as chairman of the department of finance and economics. During his tenure at Boston University, Dr. Salinger took a leave and served two years as director of the Bureau of Economics with the FTC, overseeing approximately 70 PhD economists and additional professional staff. Prior to his tenure at Boston University, he was an associate professor at Columbia University Business School and a staff economist in the Bureau of Economics, as well as serving on the editorial boards of the Review of Industrial Organization and the Journal of Industrial Economics.

Dr. Salinger has consulted for private organizations and a variety of worldwide government agencies including the EPA, the Federal Trade Commission, the board of governors of the Federal Reserve, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission. He has published articles on such issues as the structural determinants of market power, the statistical properties of firm growth, and the competitive effects of tying and vertical merger. He is also a senior advisor for Charles River Associates.

Professor Salinger is a Co-editor of Competition Policy International.

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