Malcolm Coate

Dr. Malcolm Coate is a retired senior economist at the Bureau of Economics at the Federal Trade Commission.

He held a range of positions at the agency over his career with a recent focus on the Horizontal Merger Investigation Data Project. This project tracks the Hart-Scott-Rodino merger investigations undertaken by the Commission, summarizes data uncovered in the investigations for public release, and evaluates the policy implications of Agency policy. A key result of the studies is the confirmation of policy consistency over the last twenty years.

Dr. Coate earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Duke University and taught at both the undergraduate and MBA level at Loyola University: Maryland. He has co-edited two books, edited special issues for Journals, and authored (or coauthored) close to 100 articles, the bulk of which address a wide range of issues related to merger policy. Other publication interests include business strategy, economic methodology, law and economics, and public choice.

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